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Ski touring Half day

Duration: Half a day
Price from: 115€
For more information, contact Pôle Accueil :
General information

The Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix offers you a half-day discovery of ski touring. The perfect opportunity to take the plunge and try the experience! The Grands Montets resort area is ideal for a first experience. Go on a discovery from the Bochard lift (2 766m). We join Lognan Glacier (2 700m). We skin up to Rognons Glacier (3 050m) through Col des Rachasses. At this point, we start the gorgeous descent to the Argentière Glacier, which we follow all the way to refuge de Lognan (2 067m) back on piste. 350 m vertical ascent.

Your mountain guide will introduce you to the basic techniques. It will teach you the ski touring stride as well as kick turns. He will also give you personalized advice to improve your technique on the descent. This half-day is intended for skiers with off-piste experience and wanting a gentle introduction to ski touring. For an introduction on two days with overnight in hut, see our ski tours offer : Val Ferret in Italy, Vallee Blanche.

Group booking

The group formula associates people who do not necessarily know each other. It is ideal for people looking for group friendliness and attractive prices.

Dates (group booking) : See on-line booking
Guiding policy (group booking) : Group from 3 to 6 people per guide. Children, minimum 15 years old accompanied by a parent. Splitboard only in private booking

Meeting point (group booking) : 9.00am in front of Grands-montet ESF

Departure (group booking) : The departure is guaranteed with a minimum of 4  registered participants

Price 2025 (group booking) : 115€ per person

This price includes :
- mountain guides fees
- safety equipment : harness & transceiver

This price does not includes :
- ski touring equipment
- lift pass
- transfer
- snack


Private booking

A private booking  is the historical relationship that binds a guide to their clients. It allows you to be either alone or in a group of friends with your guide. Your guide can organize your trip to meet your specific needs. It is undoubtedly the ideal formula to realize your projects because it guarantees you a maximum of comfort. You can book a private guide online for a half day of ski touring. The full day can also be booked online on the dedicated page.
Dates (private booking) : See online booking

Guiding policy (private booking) : Group of 1 - 6 people per guide. Children, minimum 12 years old accompanied by a parent

Meeting Point (private booking) : Your guide will call you the evening before your trip around 6.30pm to organize the meeting time and place

Prices 2024 (private booking) :
Group from 1 to 2 people : 300€
Group from 3 to 4 people : 320€
Group from 5 to 6 people : 340€

The price includes :
- mountain guides fees
- safety equipment : harness & transceiver

The price does not includes :
- your ski touring equipment
- lift passes
- the transfer
- lunch


Further information

Find in this section, all the information about this activity. For any further information please contact our advisors (contact details above).

Duration : Half day morning. 3 to 4 hours in total (times given as an indication) 

Area of activity : Les Grands Montets

Ability level : Ski touring is intended for athletes practicing regular physical activity. For skiers who regularly practice off-piste skiing and able to ski in any types of snow. Vertical gain up to 400 meters.

Formality : Make sure you have valid individual liability insurance for the practice of this activity without any location or altitude restrictions, including assistance, search and rescue, and repatriation


We recommend that you take special care in choosing your equipment because it contributes greatly to the success of your trip. Weight is decisive; you must always evaluate the weight / comfort ratio in order to find a good compromise. In general, it is better to stack thin layers rather than having one big garment and it is essential to stay dry in all circumstances.

- Backpack
- A pair of skis, mounted with ski-touring bindings and Ski Touring Ski Boots
- Touring skins and « ski crampons » specially adapted for your skis
- Ski poles with a large disc at the bottom
- Safety pack: harness and tranceiver

- Ski clothes

- 1 pair of good quality UV protection sunglasses (level 4) or google
- Water bottle (at least 1 liters)
- Sunscreen protection
- Snacks

Our Rental Partners : You can rent your equipment with our rental shops partners and benefit from special price Millet, Sanglard Sports, Ravanel & Co & Concept Pro Shop
Our Equipment Partners : MilletDynastarJulboGrivel & Monnet


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CO2 emitted per person for the activity: 3 kg. Learn out more about the footprint calculation of this activity

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